Risk Management Plan


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Prepare and Print a Risk Management Plan is pleased to offer you the opportunity to enter some minimal data about your company and project and use this data to create a Risk Management Plan designed to conform to the requirements of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) for small projects.

Simply enter the data requested below, and affirm your agreement to the terms of use by typing "Yes"

Your Project Management Plan will be displayed immediately. Highlight and copy all of the text; paste it into a Microsoft Word (R) document. Edit the document further as you would like, and save it as your Risk Management Plan.

Terms of Use. By using this utility and typing Yes to affirm, you agree to keep the copyright notice at the bottom of the document on all copies attributing the template of the Project Management Plan to In return, grants you the right to use, modify and distribute the Project Management Plan however you wish, through printed copies and by electronic means.

Enter the Information Requested
Enter the name of the project this plan applies to (Maximum length 60 characters)
Enter the full Company, Agency,or Organizational name to appear on the front page of your Risk Management Plan. (Example: State of Florida, Department of Highway Safety, Bureau of Motor Vehicles) Use 1, 2 or 3 lines (Maximum length 60 characters each)

Enter the short or abbreviated name of the Company, Agency or Organization this plan applies to (Maximum length 60 characters. Example based on the above: Florida DMV)
Enter the Company, Agency,or Organizational address to appear on the front page of your Risk Management Plan. (Example: 111 Main Street; Suite 100; Tallahassee, FL 32301) Use 1, 2 or 3 lines (Maximum length 60 characters each)

Enter today's date, or the date that should be printed as the date the Risk Management Plan was approved (Use the format you want to see in the document)
You know that your organization and project team members will be affected by the project. Who else may be affected? Your answer will fit in a sentence that reads "Others affected by this project are ..." Leave blank if no one else is affected.
Enter the name of the person who will manage risk on this project and chair a "Risk Committee."
Enter the names of at least two other persons to serve on your risk committee. Your answer here will finish the sentence, "Other members of the risk committee members are ... (Put in commas and the word "and" to make a good sentence.)
Enter "weekly, monthly, quarterly or another description of how often your risk committee will meet. (for example: every Friday) Your answer will finish the sentence, "The Risk Committee will meet ..."
Do you agree to the Terms of Use identified above? (Type "Yes" if you agree.)